Coronavirus lockdown triggers return of panic attacks for young NI woman

Chloe Kydd, 23, has experienced increased anxiety during lockdownChloe Kydd, 23, has experienced increased anxiety during lockdown
Chloe Kydd, 23, has experienced increased anxiety during lockdown
A young NI woman has told of the increased anxiety she is experiencing during lockdown having worked hard to get herself into a positive space before Covid-19 arrived.

Having experienced a number of setbacks in her life Chloe Kydd, a 23-year-old from Belfast, said she was in a good place with her mental health at the start of this year.

However since the coronavirus pandemic began she has experienced panic attacks.

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It comes as The Prince’s Trust revealed that over 47% of young people in Northern Ireland say their anxiety levels have increased due to the coronavirus crisis.

Chloe told her story: “A few years ago my anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t go to the shops by myself or answer the door. I felt like my life had passed me by and I’d forgotten who I was.

“I got involved in a programme with other young people through The Prince’s Trust and that helped me to discover who I was again. I grew in confidence and even got a job in retail.”

Chloe’s job ended in January and she was about to start volunteering to gain experience that would help achieve her goal of becoming a youth worker. Those plans are now on hold.

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She said: “Even before lockdown, when the coronavirus started being talked about I began to feel really anxious and worry about things I didn’t need to. I started to have two or three panic attacks a day and felt like I was having heart palpitations.”

Following doctor’s advice she applies coping techniques to change her mindset when she feels nervous. She also has a weekly call with other young people from The Prince’s Trust to ease her worries.

She said: “Young people thrive on seeing their friends and family and if they can’t see them and are stuck in the house anxiety will kick in. I think a lot of people’s mental health will have deteriorated during lockdown and will continue to as they come to terms with the changes that are going to be in place for a long time to come.”

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